No. It’s a broad and increasingly complex strategy. From DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) to social engineering it’s important to understand the risks now, and as they emerge.
A weak password is like a broken lock; it’s easy to get past and once inside, cyber criminals can take just about anything. You’d be amazed at some of the passwords people use and we’re not just talking personal email addresses, business users are just as bad if not worse, especially in smaller companies where passwords are regularly shared between colleagues.
Outdated software versions, non-hardened configurations and weak passwords are responsible for almost all data breaches, and two out of three data breaches involve poor passwords. Your SME business security is only as good as the passwords protecting the computers and online accounts that employees use.
The main threat for SMEs is poor password hygiene—a risk your business should not ignore.
In addition, many businesses leave the default username and password on their routers, network attached storage devices, and other hardware. Any hacker knows you can Google the model and find the defaults.
Throw in users email addresses and passwords (why change it!?) being used for their personal online shopping services, crypto currency trading platforms, passwords saved in synchronised browsers, people leaving laptops with sensitive data on trains, their password to the company CRM being written on post-it notes and suddenly you have a lot to think about and manage. And even if you’re on top of all the above, there’s still a good chance at least half of your employees’ usernames and passwords are for sale on the dark web!
All this makes the cloud seem like the perfect solution. There’s no data stored locally, no server on site, no data on computer hard drives. All your apps access can be locked from within the cloud.
Add Multi Factor Authentication, and unauthorised access is locked out while your line of business apps, email and company data is locked in.
At CS Group, our cloud team specialise in securing data for companies who have data protection challenges. Companies who need to store a lot of sensitive customer information which makes their GDPR compliance more complex. We remove the complexity and simplify your infrastructure.
If you want secure, simple, managed IT services, contact one of our cloud account managers. We’ll be happy to hear from you.