Business data security. Is there a fix all?

Network security

No. It’s a broad and increasingly complex strategy. From DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) to social engineering it’s important to understand the risks now, and as they emerge. A weak password is like a broken lock; it’s easy to get past and once inside, cyber criminals can take just about anything. You’d be amazed at some […]

My telecoms provider saved my business…

Dialing a telephone in the office

So it’s happened. Most businesses are now using hosted telephony, either through natural technology evolution or by necessity for those who hadn’t made the switch before the pandemic. Sure there’s a few hulking legacy systems rotting away in comms cabinets here and there but on the whole things seem to be moving in the right […]

IT Planning for 2021

IT Planning

Covid 19 has forced businesses to use the technology we’ve been evangelising about for years, it’s nothing new. The results are often impressive, with companies reporting gains in productivity, lower overheads and employees really owning their roles with a more grown up and trusting approach to working. While some still long for the good old […]